I see that there is a new option "FPS" in latest eng version for 5inch. But it not doing anything. It is stuck at default value 800FPS. Please check this.
entangler007 You need to install Riva Tuner for it to work. read the attached "FPS ON GUIDE" file in the archive.
entangler007 There is a tutorial to enable FPS in the software folder
Thanks, but where is this archive? Couldn't find.
entangler007 Hy, the file is in the software archive that you downloaded from the manufacturer's website.
Loiso Hello, good luck, I get FPS in some games, FPS does not increase in some games, what could be the reason?
This will always help you
Well, I am installing a theme with a video. It says insufficient space, please delete the files in devmananger. How can I do it? I do not use an SD card. I would appreciate it if you could help me.
my 5 inch was monitoring fps but now all themes i apply just stay at 800fps.. any advice? I have afterburner and riva installed. right now I'm using the riva on screen display to show my fps but I'd like to get it back on the turzx display.
thet0urist never mind lol. got it figured out.