hello everything works well except I have missing font yahei...
where I can find this font ? is there a new software version to download with this font ?
I have 5 inch version
Hi, It's in the package in the fonts folder, but I don't know if it will work for you. It didn't work well for me, so I had to replace the font with a different one in the popular scheme via the Editor in the program because yahei kept telling me that it was missing even though it was installed.
thanks for your answer, but I don't see any yahei font inside font repertory, I tried to download yahei font but it doesnt work, file size is really bigger than other included in repertory, can you send me your yahei font ?
It is there both from the current version of the program and from the previous one.
thank you I try it
I installed all fonts always same error message "missing yahei font"
I don't understand what's wrong
same with me, missing font while it is installed. as carda19 said, the only way to stop having this message is to change the font of the startup theme (or all themes). I guess it will be fixed with the next update....
In the installation folder of the program there is a folder "fonts" you need to select all the files, right mouse button, install. After that all the fonts will be installed. Only this method helped me. The fonts downloaded separately did not solve the problem.