The GPU Power Sensor needs a update.. I have 7900XT and GPU Power (TBP) is all the Time 0W. Cpu Power works super. Maybe in the next updates it can be implemented :-)
My 6900XT works fine for power sensor, do you have anything else that could be locking the sensor or?
nope.. I thought this too. Fresh install from windows11 and nothing happens.. TBP 0W
My Intel UHD 770 not working (integreted i7 13700), but I can see the GPU on CPU dorp down list. It need to show on GPU options list :/
AMD change sensor since April? hwinfo work after update, hope Turing update it too
Sometime when I boot the power sensor for the cpu works, sometimes after boot it shows 0.
after 23.9.2 missing TDP again
Same problem as leo12, after 23.9.2 7900xt GPU Power sensor no longer report total board power.
Replying to see if I can move this some. The problem is still there.
Driver 23.10.2 does not fix the problem, still now GPU power reading.
刚從6600升上6700 同样出现GPU power 0W 用2023 6月27日版本