The software is missing a very important feature, the ability to assign a custom datasource!
Basically in Turzx app, what we need is the ability to add an element of 'Data' but in the DataSrc attribute give the ability to select a 'text file' on the drive.
What this then enables is the ability for the user to have any text in the file, could be sensor value, or just RSS text, anything. I would recommend implementing a file-watch so when textfile changes, then the file is read again to display new value, very easy to program.
This will make Turing Screen very adaptable. Currently it is limited to very basic things and is forcing many people to delete this app and move to other solutions (not good for Turing in the long-term). Once this feature is added, then any data from anywhere can be displayed by the user by populating text files.
Please add something like this, it is very simple to program, I also use the FanControl application (, and in that program there is the ability to assign a sensor a custom datasource via a text-file.
I have the 5" version, was going to get the 8" version too, but after realising that the app has no custom-datasource ability, I have had to cancel.
I hope the above makes sense, I do not speak chinese and I hope the above goes through a translator properly to prevent confusion.