Hi, so de problem, may not be related with software or your LCD 3,5". The problem may be a sensor and comunication with the software. This also happens to me, my CPU is 70% used, but in LCD screen show 90%+.
For soluction this problem, i unistalled everything of the app TURING SMART SCREEN, in case you alredy try this, Try
download the new version again, https://www.turzx.com/2023/03/02/%E7%9B%B4%E9%93%BE%E4%B8%8B%E8%BD%BDdirectdownload/, and create a new directory in your disk, with name the your preference, and put the software that came with win.rar, put every archives there. after all , Once you have deleted all the old app, and downloaded the new one and take the win.rar that you downloaded and put it in a folder with whatever name you want, try running the software. If it doesn't work, it's probably your PC that isn't able to communicate well with the device.
I'm so sorry in case you didn't understand something, i'm brazilian and I am learning english. Good afternoon, i hope I've helped