Works great. Downloads new theme and then crashes 🙁 Manually put the theme in the correct directories and re-start the program.
Download link is BROKEN. times out.
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fenda 我也是七寸 只能用1.3版本的
MRRZE 你好,七寸的软件可以发一份给我吗 感谢!!!1601055038@qq.com
主题商城没办法登录,怎么办?浏览器登录论坛正常,但主题商城一登陆就提示网络错误…… 但不登陆的话就没办法下载主题,就很蛋疼……
plink0 你的网络在国内的吗,检查下有没有开vpn
emperg 是的,在国内,并且开了vpn,平时google、youtube都能访问,浏览器也能登录图灵智显论坛(现在正在回帖),但PC客户端的主题商城死活登陆不了,提示网络错误 我刚刚尝试了更新最新版本软件, 还是登录不了,因为我有多个硬盘,所以想要多个硬盘同时检测的UI,这个只能在主题商城里面找到……
Where can I download it?
I just got my screen today. I tried the mall version and it looks like this on the shop page and you can't download anything. Rest works fine.
plink0 你找一下淘宝客服,这边技术人员给你排查下
账号挡住了一半 窗口最大化点不了 !!
cmxjian 你显示账号信息那个左边中间小便签看见了没,点一下就收回去了
press the little < arrow on the right
I can now 'install' themes from the store, but after they finish downloading the program closes on its own, the theme is not there when I open it.
what's the latest firmware version by the way?
SSUPER 哈哈 没注意 谢谢
Now the themes are extracted from the zip (which has a password on it for some reason so I couldn't just unzip them myself) in \DownloadTemp
I'm going to setup a little site where people can upload and download themes because the store is trash and there's a few places on github where you can get other themes etc, and software to run it so you don't need turing crap; https://github.com/mathoudebine/turing-smart-screen-python/
paradox will this work on the 5 inch model?