Hello, I would like an update that we can use GIF on LCD 3.5 and also use animated wallpaper.
emperg so where is the Theme mall? is it a website? An app that the screen utilizes?
are you guys going to work on the software for the 5" screen and update it? please?
最近更新了新版本 ,5寸软件 5inch app中文版 2023/6/27。 电脑进入休眠状态后,副屏不会同步黑屏休眠了。上个版本还正常的。
CKCO 打开我们的软件-设备管理,设置2分钟无操作休眠
SSUPER 好的,有看到这个设置,现在是只能这样休眠了吗
SSUPER how to download new update for 2024/4/15 after i download file from downloads i get old version for 2023/11/3
How about to fix PC sleeping issue? When PC goes to sleep 3.5" screen will stay on showing the latest data it received. It should go to sleep (switch off the screen) to and wake up with the PC.
emperg how to download new update for 2024/4/15 after i download file from downloads i get old version for 2023/11/3
Can someone post the new software 2024/04/15 to Google Drive or put it on a server that will let USA users download it? Your website is blocking downloads.
como baixar a nova atualização para 2024/04/15, depois de baixar o arquivo de downloads recebo a versão antiga para 2023/11/3
Software needs updated to support the Nvidia 5000 series gpu's
jerryj11 Nvidia 50xx hat den alten Temperatursensor nicht mehr, das ist das Problem
jerryj11 The official website has updated the data cable, and you can delete the old software and download it again