voce consegue anexar um video?
Silverjct sorry, i forgot to speak in english. Do you could anex a video for i see?
Silverjct i don't know, what you talk
davidpezzin Thanks, friend, but it doesn't let me upload videos, the program's theme editor doesn't let me edit the themes when I try to upload a theme to edit, I get the "bad theme file" message
Silverjct Include a drive and send me
Silverjct you use ".data" files?
Silverjct o, one minuito. You can't include videos or gifs. Only png
davidpezzin If I use the default themes which are "Data" files before I could edit them now I can't
file ".dados?". Files need be ".data"
Do you want this files?
For 3.5 screen, need's be ".data" in other versions is turttheme
Show this error ?
davidpezzin yes If that is the error
so, this ERRO is Why are you use another file type, when you use another type you get this error. i show you. incorect method:
If you want this files, which has all my themes, for you to customize. I pass you
davidpezzin Thank you, friend, you solved my problem and if you can send me your themes
o NO , everything mixed. Sorry friend:
so, show de bad theme file.
CORECT MODE ✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅
So, show the theme for customize
Silverjct your app work now? ok I'll send it to you
my themes for 3,5" screen.
So, do you think I talk good english for you? I'm brazilian and try speak english. I try don't use translate, i used only for dificult words. Do you have anything for speack to me, a sugestion for help me in my english??
davidpezzin Thanks again, friend, it is perfectly understood.
davidpezzin I will be waiting if you create more themes for the application
Silverjct oo, Ok when i crente i send for you
You're welcome. Good night for you!