Error when trying to create a theme, Software version is 2024/04/15 windows 10
Hi, thist problem is easy for resoluction, For create or edit themes, the file needs to be ".data". In case don"t be ".data", will show "bad theme file". In case you didn't understand, i'm so sorry, becuse i am brazilian and i learning english. I hope I've helped.
davidpezzin Thanks for responding, I took that image of yours as an example, but it doesn't work for me to edit themes with the integrated software, the themes that come by default in the program don't let me edit them like before, yes
Thanks for responding, I took that image of yours as an example, but it doesn't work for me to edit themes with the integrated software, the themes that come by default in the program don't let me edit them like before, yes
como assim?
Silverjct , consegue especificar?
voce consegue anexar um video?
Silverjct sorry, i forgot to speak in english. Do you could anex a video for i see?
Silverjct i don't know, what you talk
davidpezzin Thanks, friend, but it doesn't let me upload videos, the program's theme editor doesn't let me edit the themes when I try to upload a theme to edit, I get the "bad theme file" message
Silverjct Include a drive and send me
Silverjct you use ".data" files?
Silverjct o, one minuito. You can't include videos or gifs. Only png
davidpezzin If I use the default themes which are "Data" files before I could edit them now I can't
file ".dados?". Files need be ".data"
Do you want this files?
For 3.5 screen, need's be ".data" in other versions is turttheme
Show this error ?
davidpezzin yes If that is the error
so, this ERRO is Why are you use another file type, when you use another type you get this error. i show you. incorect method:
If you want this files, which has all my themes, for you to customize. I pass you
davidpezzin Thank you, friend, you solved my problem and if you can send me your themes
o NO , everything mixed. Sorry friend:
so, show de bad theme file.
CORECT MODE ✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅
So, show the theme for customize
Silverjct your app work now? ok I'll send it to you